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BRICS is evaluating Iran’s proposal to integrate payment systems

Member states of the BRICS group are discussing Iran’s proposal to integrate their national payment systems within the group’s framework, according to Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Rudenko in an interview with the Russian news agency TASS. Hossein Eyvazlou, a member of the Executive Board of Iran’s National Development Fund (NDFI), proposed establishing a joint fund for the national wealth of BRICS member states during the “BRICS International Futurological Forum, Smart Civilization.” This event coincided with the BRICS Summit held from July 10 to 11 in Moscow. Rudenko noted that various options for integrating the financial markets of BRICS members, …

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Acqua contaminata per più di 15 anni, una frode da €3 miliardi. Dal 2010 Nestlé inganna i suoi consumatori.

In un’inchiesta condotta da Médiapart riguardante il trattamento fraudolento delle acque minerali da parte di Nestlé, il colosso svizzero avrebbe utilizzato trattamenti proibiti per le sue acque minerali per oltre 15 anni. Se confermata, questa frode avrebbe un valore superiore a 3 miliardi di euro. Il rapporto dell’indagine, stilato dalla Direzione generale della concorrenza, dei consumatori e del controllo delle frodi (DGCCRF) e consultato dalla testata investigativa indipendente francese, si concentra sulle acque Contrex, Hépar e Vittel. Secondo Médiapart, Nestlé avrebbe utilizzato “trattamenti vietati almeno dal 2005, e in alcuni casi dal 1993, in modo continuativo” a causa di frequenti …

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Comac showcases extended and high-altitude versions of the C919 at Farnborough

At this year’s Farnborough air show, Comac introduced models of the stretched and high-altitude variants of its C919 single-aisle aircraft for the first time. The company also unveiled the seat-map for the upcoming C929 widebody aircraft. Unlike their high-profile presence at the Singapore air show earlier this year, Comac did not bring the actual C919 and ARJ21 aircraft to Farnborough and did not make any major customer announcements. Instead, they plan to host promotional events to enhance communication and collaboration with customers and partners during the show. The stretched and high-altitude variants of the C919 were initially revealed at the …

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BRICS: Analyst Suggests Gold-Backed Currency Could Challenge US Dollar

As the BRICS economic alliance moves towards creating its own native currency, an analyst suggests that a gold-backed asset could effectively challenge the dominance of the US dollar. Amidst the bloc’s efforts to reduce reliance on the dollar, questions arise about their ability to introduce a currency that can potentially replace the greenback. The success largely hinges on the backing of this new currency. Gold, which has seen a resurgence in value this year, could play a key role. JPMorgan recently forecasted an average price of $2,500 for gold in Q4 2024. With BRICS countries significantly increasing their gold reserves …

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Mined vs. Manufactured: The Ongoing Debate Over the Future of the Global Diamond Market

In the highly secure basement of Queensmith, one of the largest jewelry manufacturers in Britain, I found myself captivated by two diamonds, watching the light refract into a spectrum of colors. Queensmith’s founder and chief executive, Brett Afshar, invited me to discern the difference between these two gems. The company is located in Hatton Garden, London’s historic diamond trading hub. Both diamonds had identical characteristics in the “Four Cs”—clarity, carat, color, and cut. They were oval, two-carat stones with exceptional qualities. The key distinction was their origin: one was a natural diamond, formed over hundreds of millions of years beneath …

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Emergenza nei cieli: mancano 1000 aerei nel mondo

In questo momento, le compagnie aeree di tutto il mondo affrontano una carenza di circa mille aerei di linea. Questo potrebbe avere un impatto positivo sull’ambiente, con meno velivoli in atmosfera a bruciare ossigeno. Tuttavia, le compagnie potrebbero compensare la mancanza aumentando la frequenza dei voli degli aerei disponibili, riducendo quindi i benefici ambientali. Economicamente (e forse anche ecologicamente), la carenza di aerei è un problema: continuano a volare aerei mediamente più vecchi, che costano di più in manutenzione e consumano più carburante. Inoltre, alcune rotte restano scoperte o mal servite per mancanza di mezzi, e le compagnie, per recuperare …

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Uganda becomes the latest African nation considering gold as a currency safeguard

Uganda plans to purchase domestic gold to bolster foreign exchange reserves and mitigate risks on reserve investments, becoming the latest African nation to turn to precious metals to support its currency. The Bank of Uganda announced it will buy bullion directly from artisanal miners, aligning with government efforts to support local miners and reduce raw gold imports. This move mirrors a proposal by Nigerian lawmakers for the central bank to purchase all locally produced gold to strengthen reserves and combat inflation. In April, Zimbabwe introduced the ZiG currency, backed by 2.5 tonnes of gold, aiming for a stable local unit. …

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Il presidente del Senato russo prevede che le CBDC saranno utilizzate nei sistemi di pagamento dei paesi BRICS

Valentina Matvienko, Presidente del Consiglio della Federazione Russa, ha recentemente discusso il ruolo delle valute digitali nazionali (CBDC) nel creare un sistema di pagamento congiunto per i BRICS. Al X Forum Parlamentare dei BRICS a San Pietroburgo, Matvienko ha sottolineato l’aumento dell’uso delle valute nazionali tra i paesi del blocco e l’intenzione della Russia di potenziare queste transazioni. Ha evidenziato che, a seguito delle sanzioni occidentali, è diminuito l’uso delle “valute tossiche” e ha proposto un sistema di pagamento BRICS per facilitare le transazioni commerciali decentralizzate, richiedendo però un lavoro legislativo coordinato. Nasser Kanani, portavoce del Ministero degli Esteri iraniano, …

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Gold Price Forecast: XAU/USD Dips to Around $2,400 as US Dollar Strengthens

Gold price (XAU/USD) trades lower near $2,405 during the early Asian session on Monday. The hotter-than-expected wholesale price inflation in the United States for June weighs on the precious metal. Traders are now awaiting the Chinese Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the second quarter (Q2), the US NY Empire State Manufacturing Index for July, and a speech by Federal Reserve’s (Fed) Mary Daly, all due later on Monday. Data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics on Friday showed that the US Producer Price Index (PPI) rose to 2.6% YoY in June, up from a revised 2.4% in the previous …

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The Wines of Campania: A Journey Through Tradition and Terroir

Campania, a region in Southern Italy, is a land of breathtaking landscapes, rich history, and culinary delights. Among its many treasures, the wines of Campania stand out as true representations of the region’s unique terroir and centuries-old winemaking traditions. From the volcanic soils of Mount Vesuvius to the coastal vineyards along the Tyrrhenian Sea, Campania’s diverse geography and climate contribute to the production of some of Italy’s most distinctive and esteemed wines. Historical Context Winemaking in Campania dates back to ancient times, with evidence of viticulture found among the ruins of Pompeii and Herculaneum. The Greeks and Romans cherished the …

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Jerome Powell’s Caution Dampens Market Optimism: Fed Rate Cuts Remain Distant

In a recent statement to the US Congress, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell dampened the enthusiasm of analysts and investors who were optimistic about a potential near-term reduction in the federal funds rate. Powell reaffirmed the Federal Reserve’s commitment to combating inflation, emphasizing that rate cuts would not be considered until there is greater confidence that inflation is moving sustainably towards the 2% target. Powell’s remarks underscored the central bank’s cautious stance. “We need to see clear evidence that inflation is heading towards our 2% goal,” Powell stated. “The data from these first quarters does not yet support that level …

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In Cina, si coltivano cervelli umani in laboratorio per diventare il motore dei robot, facendo di Frankenstein solo un ricordo lontano

Negli ultimi anni, si è assistito a un’accelerazione straordinaria nei progressi della robotica e dell’intelligenza artificiale. Ciò che un tempo era considerato fantascienza sta diventando realtà, trasformando diversi aspetti della nostra vita quotidiana. Dalle auto a guida autonoma agli assistenti virtuali, l’IA e la robotica stanno rapidamente cambiando il mondo. Le applicazioni di queste tecnologie sono virtualmente infinite. La robotica avanzata non è più limitata solo all’industria e alla manifattura, ma si estende anche alla medicina, all’assistenza domiciliare e persino all’esplorazione spaziale. I moderni robot sono sempre più capaci di interagire autonomamente con l’ambiente, grazie a sistemi di intelligenza artificiale …

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La FINMA inserisce il “Regno di Germania” nella lista di allerta.

Le autorità tedesche hanno avviato azioni contro il gruppo e il suo leader, l’autoproclamato “Re di Germania” Peter Fitzek, già da diversi anni. Esiste il sospetto che l’associazione stia conducendo attività bancarie e assicurative senza le necessarie autorizzazioni. La FINMA, l’Autorità federale di vigilanza sui mercati finanziari, ha avviato un’inchiesta sul “Regno di Germania”. Questo gruppo di cosiddetti “Reichsbürger” è stato inserito nella lista di allerta della FINMA, secondo quanto riportato oggi da Radio SRF. La lista, consultabile sul sito dell’Autorità, include società e individui oggetto di indagini per attività non autorizzate. I rappresentanti del “Regno di Germania” (“Königreich Deutschland”, …

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The UK has been encouraged to shield Ukraine from legal repercussions stemming from its default on private debts.

Campaigners are pressing the new Labour government in the UK to shield Ukraine from potential lawsuits in British courts if the country defaults on debts owed to private creditors. According to Debt Justice, Ukraine’s two-year suspension of debt payments is set to end on 1 August, and immediate action is necessary to safeguard Kyiv from legal actions by creditors. Ukraine is currently negotiating with bondholders, seeking a substantial reduction of 60% on its $24 billion (£18.7 billion) debt to private creditors. Major investment groups like BlackRock, Pimco, Fidelity, and AllianceBernstein, who hold Ukraine’s bonds, have indicated willingness to accept a …

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Il settore dell’acciaio europeo in crisi: grande impianto fallisce in Repubblica Ceca

Liberty Steel Ostrava, un impianto di produzione di acciaio nella Repubblica Ceca, ha recentemente avviato un processo di insolvenza. Questo è avvenuto dopo che la società madre, GFG Alliance, ha messo in vendita l’impianto e presentato domanda di riorganizzazione giudiziaria a metà giugno, mostrando disinteresse nel mantenere l’impianto operativo. Una fonte di GFG Alliance ha riferito a MetalMiner che un tribunale regionale di Ostrava, nella Regione Moravia-Slesia, ha ufficialmente dichiarato l’insolvenza dell’impianto il 21 giugno. “Da dicembre, Liberty ha esplorato tutte le opzioni possibili per sostenere e ristrutturare Liberty Ostrava, in modo che possa essere un’azienda sostenibile di fronte alle …

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Auto elettriche, il boom dei pentiti: il sondaggio che mette in discussione la “religione” green

Altro che boom delle auto elettriche: con il passare del tempo, aumentano le brutte notizie per la “religione” green. Le difficoltà sono evidenti: il mercato è stagnante, c’è una naturale resistenza al cambiamento e i prezzi sono inaccessibili per la maggior parte dei consumatori. Ma queste sono solo alcune delle problematiche esistenti. È infatti impossibile riassumere brevemente tutti i motivi alla base di questo flop. E c’è di più. Secondo un sondaggio globale di McKinsey, tre proprietari di auto elettriche su dieci si dicono pentiti e vorrebbero tornare a benzina o diesel. Un’ulteriore batosta. La ricerca di McKinsey ha coinvolto …

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Electricity prices in Switzerland set to decrease next year

Electricity prices in Switzerland are expected to decrease next year, according to a survey conducted by the Association of Swiss Electricity Companies (AES). Out of the 83 participating suppliers, 75 are “definitely” or “probably” planning a reduction. Tariff data from 52 companies, covering about 35% of Swiss supply, indicates that prices for H4 homes with five rooms (consumption of 4,500 kWh per year) will decrease by a median of around 8% in 2025, the AES announced in a press release on Wednesday. For H2 households with four rooms (2,500 kWh per year), the median tariffs are expected to drop by …

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A New Airport is Opening on the Amalfi Coast This Month

There’s nothing quite like an Italian summer: sailing through crystal blue waters, sipping on chilled limoncello, and driving down winding oceanfront roads (in a red convertible, wearing giant sunglasses and a silk headscarf, of course). The Amalfi Coast has long embodied the languid charm of the dolce vita lifestyle. And this summer, getting there will be much easier, thanks to a new commercial airport opening in July. The Salerno Costa d’Amalfi Airport, located 20 minutes south of Salerno, is the perfect gateway for Amalfi and other towns along the southern coast. For towns on the northern end, like Sorrento, the …

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Asia: lo yen raggiunge il minimo storico degli ultimi 38 anni rispetto al dollaro.

I mercati azionari asiatici sono rimbalzati, seguendo i guadagni di Wall Street in attesa dell’indice di inflazione preferito dalla Fed, il PCE, previsto per oggi, 28 giugno. I futures statunitensi sono positivi (+0,01% per il Dow Jones e +0,24% per l’S&P500). Il presidente americano, Joe Biden, e l’ex presidente, Donald Trump, si sono confrontati nel loro primo dibattito del 2024 in vista delle elezioni di novembre. Il dibattito ha spinto alcuni strategist dei Democratici a chiedersi se il partito debba prendere la decisione senza precedenti di sostituire Biden con un altro candidato. I 90 minuti di confronto televisivo hanno diminuito …

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Arriva la banconota da zero euro: qual è il suo vero valore e perché viene prodotta?

Sarà un evento molto atteso dai collezionisti e andrà sicuramente a ruba rapidamente a causa della sua tiratura limitata: stiamo parlando della banconota da zero euro, disponibile da luglio per commemorare gli 80 anni dallo sbarco in Normandia del 6 giugno 1944. Valore e produzione Anche se non ha valore commerciale, questa banconota sarà identica a una banconota “vera” con filigrane, ologrammi, inchiostri speciali e numeri di serie unici. Verranno prodotti soltanto tremila esemplari, acquistabili a un prezzo compreso tra 6 e 15 euro. La banconota sarà prodotta da Oberthur Fiduciaire, uno dei principali stampatori di sicurezza privati al mondo …

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Turkey’s growing frustration with its stalled EU membership negotiations is driving the country to seek closer ties with BRICS

Turkey has turned to the BRICS group of major emerging nations, which includes Russia and China, reflecting its increasing frustration over the stalled progress in EU membership talks. “We have established relations and are engaging in talks and negotiations with the BRICS countries, which are also undergoing significant changes,” Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan stated in an interview with Haberturk television on Monday night. “If the EU had the will to take a step forward, our perspective on certain issues could be different.” While Ankara has sought to revive its bid to join the EU, one of its largest trading partners, …

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A Parigi, Sotheby’s organizza un’asta di tesori della moda da record

Proprio in questi giorni, con l’inizio delle sfilate Haute Couture autunno inverno 2024-2025 a Parigi (dal 24 al 27 giugno), Sotheby’s ha inaugurato un’asta online intitolata “The Fashion Collection – Private Treasures of a Refined Lady”. L’asta, aperta fino al 3 luglio con un’esposizione fisica dal 29 giugno in un appartamento nel centro storico della capitale francese, presenta una delle più importanti collezioni private di moda al mondo. Si tratta di oltre 140 pezzi tra prêt-à-porter, accessori e gioielli, meticolosamente raccolti da un’appassionata collezionista europea con sede a Parigi, a partire dalla fine degli anni ’90 per oltre due decenni. …

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Tamil Nadu’s mineral exploration projects for gold and rare-earth elements have received approval.

The National Mineral Exploration Trust recently approved exploration projects submitted by Mineral Exploration and Consultancy Ltd (formerly Mineral Exploration and Corporation Limited) for gold and rare-earth elements (REE) in Krishnagiri and Tiruppur districts. Additionally, an exploration project for graphite in the Arasanur East block, submitted by Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Limited, received approval. Tamil Nadu, rich in mineral resources, saw its revenue from these resources rise from ₹983 crore in 2020-21 to ₹1,836 crore in 2023-24, according to the Tamil Nadu Natural Resources Department Policy Note for 2024-2025. To boost revenue, the state regularly undertakes the exploration of new minerals …

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SNB Reduces Deposit Rate to 1.25%, Meeting Expectations

The Swiss National Bank (SNB) board members decided to cut the benchmark Sight Deposit Rate by 25 basis points (bps) from 1.50% to 1.25%, following its quarterly monetary policy assessment on Thursday. This decision aligned with market expectations. In March, the SNB made a surprise 25 bps rate reduction to 1.50%, becoming the first major central bank to ease its tighter monetary policy. Summary of the SNB Policy Statement: Recent quarters have seen weaker momentum in the mortgage and real estate markets compared to previous years. The SNB remains ready to intervene in the foreign exchange market if necessary. Overall …

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Criptovalute e tasse: verifiche estese della Guardia di Finanza

Secondo quanto annunciato da tempo, la Guardia di Finanza ha avviato controlli estesi su criptovalute e tasse. Sotto esame sono tutti quei contribuenti che nelle loro dichiarazioni dei redditi presentano possibili irregolarità fiscali. Questo inizio dimostra quanto sia importante per chi possiede criptovalute prestare attenzione e dichiarare correttamente i propri redditi. Questi controlli fanno parte di un programma di antiriciclaggio mirato a contrastare la criminalità che utilizza le criptovalute per il riciclaggio di denaro sporco. Alcuni sfruttano Bitcoin per evadere il fisco, evitando così di pagare tasse elevate. In altre parole, è iniziata la lotta contro l’evasione fiscale e la …

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Swiss regulator finds HSBC in violation of AML rules; FDIC rates Citi’s data management as ‘deficient’

HSBC and Finma Enforcement Proceedings: Finma initiated enforcement proceedings in 2021 against HSBC concerning transactions totaling over $300 million between Lebanon and Switzerland from 2002 to 2015. These transactions involved dealings with two politically exposed persons. According to a report by the Financial Times, the case is linked to an investigation into Lebanon’s central bank governor, Riad Salameh, and his brother Raja Salameh, accused of embezzling over $330 million from the institution. Finma criticized HSBC for failing to report these transactions until 2020, despite closing the accounts in 2016 due to associated risks. In response, HSBC plans to appeal Finma’s …

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The wealthy are fleeing London in large numbers for destinations like Florida, Dubai, and Paris, leading to the UK’s second-highest rate of millionaire exodus globally.

Millionaires are leaving the UK at a faster rate than any country except China, new data reveals, as the wealthy abandon London for destinations like Dubai, Paris, and Florida. According to the Henley Private Wealth Migration Report, 9,500 millionaires, defined in US dollar terms, departed the UK last year. Only China, which has more than twice as many individuals with seven-figure net worths, saw a higher number of millionaire exits. Henley stated, “This represents a new record outflow for the UK, with London expected to be particularly affected. The top destinations for millionaires leaving the UK include Paris, Dubai, Amsterdam, …

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Petrodollar: UBS Explains the Future of the US Dollar

“Petrodollar” has become a prominent term in the financial world as the 50-year agreement with Saudi Arabia has concluded. This change allows the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to accept local currencies from other countries for oil transactions. However, this process has a significant flaw: Saudi Arabia announced its readiness to accept local currencies two years ago. This is not a new development, as several countries have already paid in their local currencies for oil, bypassing the US dollar despite the petrodollar agreement being in place. So, will Saudi Arabia stop accepting the US dollar for oil now that the petrodollar …

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Boeing, calano drasticamente gli ordini: 900 componenti installati in modo errato sui Dreamliner in attesa di consegna.

“La nostra cultura aziendale è lungi dall’essere perfetta, ma stiamo agendo e facendo progressi”. Queste parole, sorprendenti in senso negativo, sono state pronunciate dall’amministratore delegato di Boeing, un gigante industriale americano che ha fatto la storia dell’aviazione mondiale sin dal 1916, quando gli aerei erano costruiti di ferro, legno e tela. Oggi Boeing è un protagonista globale nel settore civile, della difesa e dello spazio. Tuttavia, ieri il top manager David Calhoun è stato costretto a subire al Congresso di Washington un fuoco di fila di domande dai senatori americani, dopo che un’altra talpa ha denunciato gravi carenze nei controlli …

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UniCredit Plans Risk Transfers Linked to €8.5 Billion in Loans

UniCredit SpA is working on three significant risk transfer deals tied to up to €8.5 billion (RM42.95 billion) in loans to Italian and German companies, according to sources familiar with the matter. The Milan-based bank is arranging two synthetic risk transfers (SRTs) linked to €3.5 billion in leases with Italian companies and €2 billion in loans to Italian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the sources said, who requested anonymity as the details are private and the deal is not yet finalized. UniCredit also plans to issue SRTs tied to up to €3 billion in loans to German SMEs by summer, …

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